Not long ago, as I pondered where I would go or what I would do if I was laid off from my job, and contemplating yet another move (depending on how you count it, I could say that I’ve moved anywhere from 4 to 11 times in the past four years), I began to research RVs. 

I thought perhaps that it could be a solution for my life:  having mobility, paring down my stuff even further (which I’ve written about a few times), yet having a sense of my own home.  If I needed to go to another new place, maybe I could just take an organized, familiar home along with me. 

Six months or so later, I know that I have a job for the coming year and am trying to convince myself to stay put.  But I still think a lot about the nature of housing, my environmental footprint, and how I hope to live in the future. 

After researching RV and trailer living (I now know the difference between A, B, and C Class RVs, travel trailers, fifth wheel trailers, etc), I started looking at all the other alternative types of housing.  Here are some of my favorites.

1.  A modern vardo, or updated gypsy van…some are beautifully crafted.


2.  My favorite wheel-less options are some of the gorgeous pre-fab yurts.  For more than five years now (yes, since moving to CA), I’ve fantasized about building a little compound of yurts.  Don’t laugh.  It could be awesome.

yurt 3












3. And finally, check out this ethereal earthsheltered home.   It is environmentally kind, and if anyone has a thing for Hobbit living…

woodland earthshelter











Related GleaningsTiny House Blog, which describes a lot of fun designs for living smaller.